  1. UG Books
    1. No. of Volumes: 7045
    2. No. of Titles: 1794
  2. PG Books
    1. No. of Volumes: 365
    2. No. of Titles: 222

Total Books = Volumes 7410
Titles 2016

Magazines & Journals
Journals and Periodicals Subscribed

  1. Bentham Science Pharmacy Collection (23 e-Journals Unlimited access)
  2. e-journals and books from Inventi Rapid
  3. 22 National+15 International Journals Hard Copy
  4. Medknow Publications- 10 Intetnational Journals (Printed + Online)
  5. e-granthalaya (Version eG3) with OPAC


icon-pdfList of Journals 2018