Vachan Sankalp Maharashtracha (1-15 Jan 2025)
Extension and outreach activities
Extension and outreach activities -Supporting Documents
Donation and Health Awareness drive
Old Age Home Report
Mango seed donation drive
Ayushyman Bharat Card and campaign in collaboration with Sutantra Narayani Seva Trust.
Self examination of Breast cancer
Awards & Recognition received extension activities from Government/ Government recognized bodies
Outcomes of Extension activities in the neighborhood community
Glimpses of Extension Activities
Career Guidance Session fro SSC students from Madni High School
Blood donation camp 23-24
Gandhi Jayanti -23-24
International Day of persons with disability 23-24
Tree plantation drive 23-24
World AIDS day 23-24
World soil day 23-24
Mango Seed Collection Drive
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Mass Beach Clean-up Drive In Association With NGO,”Muskurate Raho”
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World Environment Day celebration 2023
We should respect and value the gifts we have got from Mother Nature. For too long now, humans have been exploiting earth’s natural ecosystems for their benefit and in the process destroying them forever. It is high time now that we all come together and become more aware and conscious of the way we are utilizing our natural resources. In line with this year, we at HKCP aimed to teach our students the same through the tree plantation activities organized to celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June 2023.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. M.N.Saraf, Principal of H.K.College of Pharmacy with planting a tree in the medicinal Garden of campus which motivated everyone to celebrate this special day with great zeal and enthusiasm.
The main objective of observing this day was to bring about a change in an individual’s attitude towards the environment and advocate partnership between each human being and society to ensure a safe future for all of us.
Tree Plantation 2022
International Yoga Day- 21st June 2021 celebration at HKCP
Tree Plantation Program
Date: 22nd June 2019
Organized at: H. K. College of Pharmacy, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai.
Associated with: NGO ‘Tomorrow Foundation, Barclays Volunteers and Rubicon Skill Development Institute
Organized By: Ms. Parimal Kotkar (Pharmacognosy Department)
Trees play a critical role in our existence on earth. They provide us with numerous products that we utilize in our daily lives, from food to furniture, paper to medicines and a host of products in between. Their aesthetic appeal is universal, and they make our world a much more beautiful place.
Department of Pharmacognosy organized “Tree Plantation Program” on 22nd June 2019, in between 9:00 am to 11:30 am in association with NGO ‘Tomorrow Foundation’, Barclay’s Volunteers and Rubicon Skill Development Institute. Total of 15 volunteers from Barclays, Ms. Dhanya Narayanan (Chief Operating Officer), Mr. Pravir Kumar (Chief Executive Officer) from Rubicon Skill Development Institute, faculty and students of H. K. College of Pharmacy participated in the program. /p>
The Program was witnessed by Dean, Dr. M. N. Saraf, Principal, Dr. Anubha Khale of H. K. College of Pharmacy. Medicinal plants like Bael, Ajowan, Amla, Pomegranate, Fig, Chiku, Mango, Sonchafa, Panphuti, etc. were planted on the premises & medicinal garden of H. K. College of Pharmacy. Total of 18 plants was donated by NGO ‘Tomorrow foundation’.
International Yoga Day Report
Date: 21st June 2019
Time: 2.30-4.30 PM
Venue: Conference Room, Ground floor
Conducted By: Ms. Vasudha Gore Yoga Teacher, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai.
Coordinated By: Dr. M.N. Saraf & Dr. Priyanka Goswami
For: Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
- what is Yog, Yoga, Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana & Samadhi
- Different Yoga principles like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Institute
- Different Yoga styles by Nimbalakar Guruji & Baba Ramdev
- Different breathing cleansing techniques: Sutra neti
- Importance of Yoga in Psychosomatic disorders, Myths related to Yoga
- Practicability of Yoga in Today’s time
- Importance of Breathing techniques & Shavshana